discover * aspire * co-create

Life is a journey full of amazing experiences. Some people know where their heading and have a clear path. Some of us are explorers who enjoy discovering as we go. In all instances our values and beliefs help shape and guide us along the way.


Discover which values, beliefs, & behaviours drive your vision, mission & values.

Make the invisible visible!


Strategies & Trainings  to connect, navigate and grow with others building lasting  and self evolving results  in the face of change.

Words create worlds!


Inspire global leaders to embody the ideas of trust, connection, community, and mutual care for all. Together in this exceptional journey from…

I to WE.

Self Transformation

Powered by Cultural & Conversational Intelligence® (C-IQ)

Our Coaching approach is a one-on-one customized program designed to assist you in handling the challenges of rapidly changing environments. Developing self-awareness and connecting intention and impact are key outcomes of all our coaching engagements.

Leaders who only focus on their intention, and do not see their impact, are living in an I-centric world.   They are not aware of how their words can cause others to react with fear. The ability to self-manage and co-regulate the effects of uncertainty and fear are key abilities, both within ourselves, and when we engage with others.

This journey also enables you to connect and align your deepest sense of purpose, inspiring you to make a more meaningful difference in your work and life. Improve your ability to build trust, influence and co-create with others.

We integrate different coaching approaches, innovative tools, knowledge and the most valuable: life experiences.

Transformation is a journey of self-discovery!

Personal or Individual:  We work with individuals who want to achieve more and develop a mindset to improve the outcome in their lives.

Global Executive Coaching & Leadership:  Are you an executive, leader, or aspiring leader looking for the best in executive coaching or leadership development?

Become a next level leader by cultivating a mental & emotional skillset to improve decision-making, effectively manage your emotions. You will have ease in setting clear goals & strategies in both your career & personal life.

Leadership Embodiment: When we are under pressure we usually do not show up the way we want to. Leadership embodiment is vital to leaders aspiring to have more influence in their organizations. Our process allows leaders to recognize how they set the tone in establishing their culture, looking at the organization challenges from a We-centric lens.

Cultural Transformation

Powered by Cultural & Conversational Intelligence® (C-IQ)

‘To get to the next level of greatness, depends o the quality of the culture, which depends on the quality of relationships, which depends on the quality of conversations.

Everything happens through conversations!”

Judith E. Glaser

A program to shift an organization into a values-driven model. To impact employees both personally and professionally. We work in alliance with The Intercultural Project and their framework that encompasses  a variety of methodologies into the 5 day training: Embodied Conversations Program™  (ECP).

What is a Values-Driven Organization? Where an organization and the individuals within it are powered by values. Culture Transformation is the process of installing a values driven model in a business, where individuals are lead by a shared vision, mission and a set of core values. A values-driven model increases an employee’s sense purpose and provides a clear understanding of the direction of the company.

Together, Existence and The Intercultural Project will educate the Leadership Team by bringing awareness around the organization’s current culture and conducting appropriate assessments and workshops for innovation and co-creation. A Culture Transformation follows a roadmap as is a process and requires a willingness towards change and constant feedback to achieve the desired culture.

A thriving company culture drives sustainable success.

Women Leadership Circles

Powered by Cultural & Conversational Intelligence® (C-IQ)

A woman with a voice is by definition a strong woman. But the search to find that voice can be remarkably difficult.”

Melinda Gates

Women & Power: Leadership in a New World.

In a marketplace defined by complexity, disruption, and change, today’s most successful enterprises are those that bring diverse perspectives and experiences to each new challenge. Along with being the right thing to do, diversity and inclusion offer a strategic advantage – especially at the leadership level.

That is why it is critically important for businesses to look at the challenges women often face, and clear the path for talented and dynamic leaders to rise to the top.

In this women’s leadership program, you will take your management and leadership skills to the next level. As you explore emerging research and best practices, share experiences and insights, and try out new ideas in a supportive environment, you’ll prepare to contribute more fully to your organization’s ongoing success.

Women & Power will enable you to leave with new ideas, skills, confidence, and fresh perspectives to add more value to their company and cascade the benefits of improved diversity across the organization.

Leadership Embodiment

– Leadership Development for Women

– Emotional Intelligence

– Influence and Persuasion

– Verbal and Nonverbal Communications

Leadership Perceptions & Strategic Thinking Skills

– The Business Case for Diversity: The Real ROI

– Reframe  – Refocus – Redirect

Leading High Performance Teams

– Case Study: “What Makes a Leader?”

– Decision Making For Leaders

– Gender and Negotiations: Getting to Yes Collaboratively

– Crisis Management: Leading Teams Under High Stress

Developing a Leadership Style

– Strategies for Implementing Personal Change

– Leveraging Talent in Teams

– Gender & Negotiations

– Executive Coaching Sessions in Small Groups

“Behind every successful woman is a tribe of other successful women who have her back.”

Team Transformation

Powered by Cultural & Conversational Intelligence® (C-IQ)

Is your team not achieving its potential?

Are there silos, and competition among employees rather than teamwork and collaboration?

Are there conversational and cultural barriers impeding  innovation and growth in your company?  If so, it may be time to power up your company with Cultural & Conversational Intelligence®.

Leaders, and their teams align and raise the level for their success and learn to expand their capacity to contribute to the organization, establishing WE-centric organizations where the people learn to positively impact the change process and expand the organization’s capacity for adapting to, and creating change. Each individual becomes the I inside the We

Shift from fearful words that trigger negative emotions to words that inspire and build healthy organizational environments.

“When we create conversational rituals that enable us to honor and respect others’ views of the world—especially when these views are very different from our own—we create a space for better conversations and for new ideas to emerge.” 

Judith E. Glaser

Executive team coaching: Interlacing a cultural viewpoint into team coaching is vital, not only because most teams are culturally diverse but also because when teams tap into their hidden intercultural potential, they become more creative and more effective.

We will uncover new insights into the ‘patterns of conversations’ taking place in your culture at all levels and provides a roadmap for change that will engage and energize individuals, teams and the organization in co-creating positive and transformational change.

Team coaching:  An exceptional and very powerful process that can make visible the team’s aspirations and release energy for activating higher levels of performance.

Conversational Circles: Create a  especial conversational environment, focused on goal setting, deepening awareness around key issues, having difficult conversations, taking action, and accountability. The team or group benefits from the peer learning with others, commonly referred to as the collective wisdom of the group. Open up to having great conversations!

Culture Café:  Create a safe environment  to talk about our cultural differences and the impact certain behaviours have in the performance of the team and the success inside the organization.  Do you feel things are lost in translation? Let’s talk  about how to build trust and talk about our cultural differences and get extraordinary results.

Experiential Workshops: We want to co-create with you the workshops that will unleash the power of your organization. Our roadmap for the journey starts with the discovery of patterns, blind spots and interaction dynamics that show up in your culture. Let’s make the invisible visible and co-create the strategy you need to be …


Perception Studies

Catalyst Tools™ & Dashboards

Existence, is dedicated to helping clients understand how to create and achieve new benchmarks for success. In alliance with The CreatingWE® Institute and their suite of Catalyst Tools®, we partner with clients to custom design a transformational journey unique to their needs, and one that can profoundly engage and impact the entire organization.

We use these Catalyst Tools® as perception studies, a starting place and window through which to understand the organizational, team and individual dynamics.

Turning Insight Into Action!

Based on our Catalyst Tools® Process, we shape a Leadership Journey that includes workshops, summits and one-of-a-kind meetings tailored to engage colleagues from all levels and divisions of the client company, to ensure a successful Co-creation of the business future together.

We gear our Conversational Consulting, Facilitating, and Coaching, as well as subsequent workshops and summits toward opening an array of new perspectives and possibilities – ones that currently do not exist inside the client company.

C-IQ (Conversational Intelligence®) Catalyst Tool

Our Conversational (C-IQ) Catalyst Tool™ is a fascinating easy to use tool that has incredibly insightful results. Individuals and teams can use this ‘quick study’ tool to see the patterns of conversational impact and engagement that we exercise as we interact at work. The tool can be used with thousands of people in an organization and can provide a cultural imprint of how people at work engage with each other. There are three ways to use the tool:

Self-Catalyst Tool: Each person can use the C-IQ Catalyst Tool™ to gauge the level of intelligent conversations they are having with others.

360 Catalyst Tool: An individual can use the C-IQ Catalyst Tool™ as a 360 Tool. This would mean selecting people such as boss, peers, direct reports and others to give feedback on their level of C-IQ. This will provide a clearer picture of how the person is impacting others at work.

Team Catalyst Tool: The Team C-IQ Catalyst Tool™ provides a profile of a team’s level of C-IQ awareness. This tool can be used to help a team develop higher levels of C-IQ at work.

TRUST Catalyst Tool

The Trust Catalyst Tool™ is a unique tool for providing insights into how to measure and elevate trust in a team and organization. The 25-question survey can be used in a variety of ways:

SelfEach person can take the tool to gauge the level of trust building skills they are aware of using and identifying skills, which need to be used more often to ensure trust with others.

360: An individual can use the TRUST Catalyst Tool™ as a 360 by selecting people such as boss, peers, direct reports and others to measure that individual’s level of expressed trust. This will provide a clearer picture of how the person is impacting others across the trust continuum.

Team: The Team Trust Catalyst Tool™ provides a profile of a team’s level of perceived trust.  This tool can be used to help a team develop higher levels of trust across the 5 dimensions

CreatingWE DNA Catalyst Tool™

The CreatingWE DNA Catalyst Tool™ is a pioneering, customizable tool for identifying the level of Conversational Intelligence® in an organization or team, across the seven most important conversational dimensions:

C: How people connect across the organization (Connecting)

H: How people build healthy relationships (Humanizing)

A: How people create aspirations for the future (Aspiring)

N: How people collaborate (Navigating)

G: How people innovate (Generating)

E: How people develop ‘voice’ in the organization (Expressing)

S: How people celebrate success (Synchronizing)

The CreatingWE DNA Catalyst Tool™ offers leaders and teams state of the art technology for clarifying and optimally shaping their unique culture and organizational dynamics for higher levels of Conversational Intelligence® and for business success. The Tool identifies what conversational patterns are opening the space for elevated engagement and what conversational patterns are blocking success.

Most extraordinary is the ability of the CreatingWE DNA Catalyst Tool™  to measure an organization’s levels of trust and alignment toward a shared vision for the future – across seven, vital success dimensions, and 49 behaviors – leading to breakthrough business results.

How to Get Started?

Contact us to discuss how to use this innovative tool to create a shared understanding and to clarify the action steps individuals, teams and the whole organization can take and see immediate results. We’ll work with you to create workshops, trainings and enable you to create a roadmap to catalyze change. The results will have a permanent impact on your Organizational and Leadership DNA.

Let’s have a conversation!

Values driven organizations

Outperform their competition
Purpose taps a universal need. It serves as a motivator despite cultural differences – uniting everyone to contribute to something bigger.

Purpose brings profit!


showed positive growth


people are satisfied in their jobs


people are likely to stay at their company for 3+ years


promote their employer

Companies that have integrated our services into their organization’s culture:

Monday to Friday
9:00 am – 5:00 pm   Eastern Time (GMT – 5)

Mobile:  (Ontario, Canadá)
+1(905) 466 3879

We speak English, Spanish, and French
If you wish, you can also send us an e-mail to: