Good leaders have vision and inspire others to help them turn vision into reality. Great leaders create more leaders, not followers. Great leaders have vision, share vision, and inspire others to create their own.”

Roy T. Bennett


Co-create a world where the collective “We” plays a bigger role than the individualistic “I”


Our commitment is to partner with  individuals, teams, and organizations across the globe to navigate the journey from I to WE; co-creating to build healthier, more resilient organizations in the face of change.


Gabriela Herrero  bba, mib, cpcc™, c-iq
global executive coach, conversational alchemist, & triathlete

A woman who loves to travel, to engage in great conversations, and a good cup of coffee. I believe in the power of simplicity, in the power of words and in the power of silence. I believe in the power – sharp, strong and wonderful – that emanates from everyone. I discovered it, face to face, while fighting one of the most difficult battles of my life: cancer. As a survivor, I know and understand the life challenges and the inner strength we have to face them. The power to rise stronger after a monumental fall.

I am easily astonished by the world and its differences. I have lived in different countries (my feet do not know how to be still) and I speak three languages: Spanish, English and French. I currently reside in Canada but my wings want to take me to Bali. I am a citizen of the world and nomad by choice. I am a Global Executive Coach – with an International Certification of Co-Active Coaching –by the Co-Active Training Institute – CPCC®, a global leadership advisor, mom, triathlete and a lover of simple but powerful conversations – Certification in Conversational Intelligence® by The CreatingWe Institute®  – (C -IQ).
My purpose is inspired by the African philosophy of UBUNTU: to inspire leaders to embody the ideas of trust, connection, community, and mutual care for all. I envision and work towards creating a “We” Culture where success belongs to all. A culture where we are open and available to others, where the strength of our self-confidence comes from knowing that we belong and it fades if others are demeaned or not accepted.
The lack of stillness of my feet and my curiosity led me to develop a deep knowledge in interculturality, and it is right from here that I infuse my vision in coaching: harness and manage the diversity of multinational work teams. In 2009 I founded Existence Coaching to contribute to the improvement of the professional and personal development of individuals, groups, teams, and organizations around the world to accompany them in the transition to a “We” World where diversity is an exceptional strength.
I am a woman who runs, who swims, who rides a bike, who loves animals, has two kids and several countries to step in with lots of people to have wonderful conversations.


Gabriela co-creates with an inspirational team of brilliant, amazingly talented, and creative experts from all over the world, to bring you ground-breaking experiences and take your organization to the next level of greatness… It is all in the art of being…

we are certified of some of the most avant-garde methodologies in the world!

Absolutely everything we do in our lives is interconnected. We strive to inspire people to be extraordinary leaders and serve to the collective purpose.  We take care of our planet and the amazing beings that live on it.

All over the world initiatives are taken to make our planet more sustainable.
In 2015, world leaders agreed to 17 goals for a better world by 2030. These goals have the power to end poverty, fight inequality and stop climate change. Guided by the goals, it is now up to all of us, governments, businesses, civil society and the general public to work together to build a better future for everyone.

Monday to Friday
9:00 am – 5:00 pm   Eastern Time (GMT – 5)

Mobile:  (Ontario, Canadá)
+1(905) 466 3879

We speak English, Spanish, and French
If you wish, you can also send us an e-mail to: